Beaulieu, Heather M.
The purpose of this research was to examine the extent to which teachersperceived that classroom walkthrough feedback improved instructional effectiveness andstudent learning. An additional purpose of this study was to determine whether teachers’number of years of service, grade level taught, and frequency and duration of theclassroom walkthroughs affected teachers’ perceptions of the impact that classroomwalkthrough feedback had on instructional effectiveness. The sample of participantsincluded certified teachers in the DDP School District, a public school district of 11,000students in northwest Missouri.This study was a quantitative research design using an original survey created bythe researcher. The population of interest for the study were certified teachers, in gradesK-12, in the DDP School District during the 2017-2018 school year. Multiple one-factoranalyses of variance (ANOVAs) and multiple one-sample t tests were conducted toaddress the six research questions in the study.Results from the survey data indicated that teachers had statistically significantpositive perceptions with regard to the impact that classroom walkthrough feedback hadon their instructional practices and student learning. There were no statisticallysignificant differences amongst teacher perceptions with regard to the impact ofclassroom walkthrough feedback based on their years of service, grade level taught, andduration and frequency of classroom walkthroughs. Further studies with a larger samplesize and qualitative data with regard to teacher perceptions of the impact of classroomwalkthrough feedback on instructional practices and student achievement arerecommended to ensure successful implementation of teacher evaluation systems.