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The purpose of this research is to investigate a knowledge gap that exists withregard to the perceptions of teachers regarding the role of the school counselor. Theresearch focuses on three questions: (1) To what extent do teachers perceive thecounselor and principal relationship? (2) To what extent do teachers view counselors aspart of the building level leadership team? and (3) To what extent do teachers perceivethe role of the school counselor? The research design for this study was qualitative innature. The sample was limited to 741 elementary, middle, and high school teachersfrom District XYZ during the 2015-2016 school year.As part of this qualitative study, survey data was used to examine K-12 teacherperceptions related to the role of the school counselor. Survey data collected wascollected using a 14-question survey, Taking One Step Forward: A Self-Assessment Tool.With permission from the survey developer (College Advocacy Board, 2011), minimaladaptions were made to the survey for this study and to further validate those changes anexpert panel was utilized in preparation for this research. The survey was distributed viaa mail merge technique to K-12 teachers in District XYZ. The three research questionsand associated survey responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics as well as chisquare tests for goodness of it.Results from the survey data indicated a highly significant positive perceptionamong teachers regarding the role of the school counselor, the principal-counselorrelationship, and the counselor’s participation on school leadership team. Two high areasof neutral responses occurred in the survey questions that discussed the topics of jointresponsibility and involvement by principals and counselors in the development of goals and metrics that indicate success, as well as the topic of opportunities that exist forcounselors to share ideas regarding teaching, learning, and school-wide educationalinitiatives. These higher than expected neutral areas are worth investigating further toglean supplemental information regarding confusion and uncertainty that stakeholdersstill may have with regard to the school counseling profession. |
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