Gonser, Brittany E.
Improving student proficiency and growth in mathematics education is importantfor the future success of our nation, schools, and students. The purpose of this study wasto examine if there was a change in Northwest Evaluation Associate Measures ofAcademic Progress (NWEA MAP) mathematics assessment scores for fourth gradestudents after the adoption of the DIBELS Math program. This study was also conductedto determine if the change in mathematics test scores differed between male and femalestudents, minority versus non-minority students, and students who did not receive freeand reduced lunch compared to those who did receive free lunch. Additionally, this studywas conducted to examine the change in mathematics test scores for students whoreceived consistent progress monitoring utilizing the DIBELS Math program, and thosewho did not. The results of an independent-samplest test showed no statisticallysignificant, positive impact from the DIBELS Math program on the average change inmathematics proficiency scores for fourth grade students. The results of multipleindependent-samplest tests also show no statistically significant, positive impact from theDIBELS Math program on the average change in mathematics proficiency scores forfourth grade students based on gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. The results ofthis study have implications for classroom teachers, building leaders, and district leaderswho are working to ensure mathematics proficiency for all students. Recommendationsfor future research are also included in the study.