dc.description.abstract |
The primary purpose of this study was to determine if Kansas homeless liaisonsshared similar perceptions regarding challenges to the education of youth experiencinghomelessness. Additionally, perceptions of Kansas liaisons were compared by districttype and homeless student count. Quantitative data were collected via an online surveytool; surveys were sent to Kansas homeless liaisons serving during the 2018-2019 schoolyear. There was a minimal difference in perception among Kansas homeless liaisons onsurveyed items. Kansas liaisons perceived the following to be challenges to theeducation of homeless students: family mobility, funding, ease of obtaining records fromprevious districts, regular and consistent attendance, parental involvement, academicachievement, availability of curriculum sensitive to the needs of homeless students, andbefore or after school childcare. There were minor differences in the strengths ofliaisons’ responses about perceived challenges based on district type and based onhomeless count. The results of this study could be used to improve educational practicesto reduce barriers in educating youth experiencing homelessness in Kansas and otherstates. |
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